PHP lives on the server.
JavaScript lives on the browser.
Consider the sequencing of events:

1: Browser sends GET request
2: Apache begins processing request, decides to invoke PHP
3: PHP begins processing, starts sending out HTML (or other data)
4: Apache passes through PHP's HTML/data
5: Browser begins receiving HTML/data
6: Apache and PHP finish sending data and CLOSE CONNECTION
7: Browser displays HTML and executes JavaScript

By the time your JavaScript runs, PHP is long-gone.

The only way to get data back to PHP is to send a whole 'nother HTTP request
from JavaScript to get a whole 'nother URL.

This is not generally useful for humanly bearable interaction time-wise, but
is occasionally useful.

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----- Original Message -----
From: Girish P <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: php.general
Sent: Monday, September 10, 2001 10:37 AM
Subject: Accessing Variable !!!

     I am trying to use value of the text box  for the querying ..The
query is defined with in the a javaScript .
I am not able to get the Value.. inside the function.. However
"document.form.text.value" is getting the value.
How do we assign the value of javscript to PHP??? Is there a better way

Php is as follows:

<title>Search result</title>

<body bgcolor="#fffff0">
echo "<Script Language = \"JavaScript\">\n";
echo "function getNames()\n";
echo "{\n";
echo "alert(\"Inside the FUcntion\");\n";
    $connection = mssql_connect("girishp", "sa", "") or die
        ("could not connect to server.");
    $db = mssql_select_db("AZADMINGROUP", $connection) or die
        ("Could not select database");
    $sql_employee = "Select E_Number,E_First_Name,E_Last_Name from
T_Employee where E_First_Name = \"$searchName\"";
    echo "alert(document.searchEmpl.searchName.value);\n";
    $result_employee = mssql_query($sql_employee, $connection) or die
("Coule not execute");  $count = 1;
    while($row = mssql_fetch_array($result_employee)) {
        $ENo = $row["E_Number"];
        $val = $row["E_First_Name"];
        $val = $val . $row["E_Last_Name"];
        #echo "var val = document.searchEmpl.searchresult;\n";
        $val = $val . " ( " . $ENo . " )";
        echo "document.searchEmpl.searchResult.options[$count].value =
        echo "document.searchEmpl.searchResult.options[$count].text =
echo "}\n";
echo "</Script>\n";
echo "<form name=\"searchEmpl\" method=\"POST\"
echo "<h2><font color=\"#CC6699\">Search :</font></h2>\n";
echo "<hr color=\"#CC6699\">\n";
echo "<p><font color=\"#CC6699\"><b>Employee Name :&nbsp;
</b></font><input type=\"text\" name=\"searchName\"
echo "<input type=\"button\" value=\"Search\" name=\"searchButton\"
echo "<p align=\"left\"><select size=\"1\" name=\"searchResult\">\n";
echo "<option>Search Result</option>\n";
echo "<option></option>\n";
echo "<option></option>\n";
echo "<option></option>\n";
echo "<option></option>\n";
echo "<option></option>\n";
echo "<option></option>\n";
echo "<option></option>\n";
echo "<option></option>\n";
echo "<option></option>\n";
echo "</select>&nbsp;&nbsp; <input type=\"submit\" value=\"Show
Details\" name=\"B3\">

echo "</form>\n\n";



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