[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alexander Deruwe) wrote:

 > Hey all,
 > I keep track of my users using PHP4 sessions, with verification against a 
 > PostgreSQL database.
 > How can I detect when a user logs out / is logged out? I provide a hyperlink 
 > 'Logout' which users are supposed to click, so I can obviously check there. 
 > My main concern however is that people won't really use that link, but just 
 > close their browser.. Which means my table with logged in users will never 
 > get properly updated. Any ideas are appreciated.

when the user surfs your pages you update their logged in timestamp
then it's always updated with the last time they were asctive on your
page, then you setup a cronjob or something else to check weather or
not the users has been active in a given interval like 1 hour. This
method will still have somekind of uncertainty. I still think there
are many other ways (better?) to do it.

Henrik Hansen

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