I just finished making a bulk emailer script with the mail() function. I would 
probably recommend doing a loop,
sending one email at a time. Seems that way you're not putting too much pressure on it 
at one time (if that makes
any sense). If you can find a decently-written smtp-class that uses the socket 
directly, that would be much better.
Then, you're not limit to sending to one mail server, and there's greater flexibility 
in the code; room to edit/add
code when needed, and you have the opportunity to log specific error messages if ya 
need to. The only problem is
finding an SMTP class that'll work without too much editing, unless you have the 
socket knowledge to write your own.
Whether or not the socket commands in PHP work well in Windows or not, I've not a 
clue. I know there are some
Windows issues with the mail() command as well, and a few other PHP functions that 
just don't work under Windows. =)

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