Hello all,

Okay here is the situation. I am reading a file using fgets up until I hit a certain 
delimiter within the text. No problem there. This text file may or may not 
contain php in the format <? blah ?>. So I now have two variables $header and $footer 
which may or may not contain some php within them. I need to echo 
the variables at the top and bottom of other files but need any php that may be in 
there to execute.

 I tried echo(eval($header)) 

and I also tried

$header = addslashes($header); 
eval("\$header = \"$header\";"); 
$header= stripslashes($header); 

The first produces and error, the second produces no error however only variables 
evaluate while actual commands, such as echo just get written into the 

Any idea  what I may be doing wrong here?



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