I've got an app that sends emails, not complicated emails, their just
text, the mail text is stored in text files on the server so they can be
edited independant of the code, I've then got a function that reads the
file (using file()) ... iterates the array, chop(), append \r\n and
builds a message.

This text gets sent using mail() -- works great for everything but
Outlook which seems to lose all the line breaks and generally mungs the
formatting to heck.  I've tried sending a "Content-type: text/plain;"
header ... doesn't help.

The only thing that keeps me from losing my mind is that I accidently
had the wrong header "Content-type: text/text;" at first and while it
created an attachment in Outlook, the attachemnt was properly formatted.

Anyone else have this problem and solved it?
Hank Marquardt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPG Id: 2BB5E60C
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