For what they are worth, here are some notes that I took.  I don't think
they answer the actual question you asked, but they may be useful.

Extensions to PHP are written in C.  (I haven't seen a statement to that
effect anywhere in the documentation, but I mave missed something.)

Assume that your package is called <mybit>.

Need libtool 1.4 or better - get it from or a mirror

You need to write a set of interface functions.  Function names must be ALL
lower case.  Before you do that, prepare a prototype file - can be just the
names of the functions, one per line, no semicolons, NO BLANK LINES.  The
entries can be full C prototypes, but complicated prototypes screw it up
(char thing() is OK, but char * thing() is not).

run ext_skel  --extname=<mybit> –proto=<file containing prototypes>

That creates a directory ext/<mybit> containing a Makefile, skeleton C
source and a header (.h)file.

edit config.m4 to switch on the lines that enable <mybit>.  Until you do
that, nothing will work.

cd .. (root of PHP source)


./configure –with-<mybit>


The first time I did this, the make failed because of problems in the .h
file.  These were caused by stuff in the proto file that the tools couldn't

./php -f ext/<mybit>/<mybit>.php confirms that the skeleton has been added.

Reinstall your PHP module.  ("make install" as root)

In the ext/<mybit> you now have lots of files including <mybit>.c and
php_<mybit>.h.  <mybit>.c contains a set of wrapper functions, one for each
name that you put into your prototype list.

Write a test script to call the functions.  At this stage, you should get a
warning telling you that the function is not yet implemented.  This is
printed by the skeleton wrapper function.

You now need to edit each function.  Take out the line that prints the "not
implemented" warning and replace it with the code that you want.

BEWARE.  If you find half-way through the work that you got the prototype
file wrong (say, you want to put an extra function in), you have to start
all over again.  Change the name of the <mybit> directory, create a new one
and manually copy the stuff you have produced into it.  To avoid this, I put
my code into a separate file, got that working in isolation (so that I knew
what the function names were going to be) and then made my interface
functions very simple wrappers.

I could not make any sense of the stuff about parameter passing in the zend
documents.  I suspect that it doesn't match the standard released PHP.
(Somebody said elsewhere in this thread to use a different distribution.
That may help.)  I figured out how to pass parameters by looking at working
examples, such as the LDAP extension.


> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Anas Mughal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: 15 January 2002 21:12
> > Subject: [PHP] Extending PHP
> >
> >
> > I am looking into building a dynamically loadable
> > module under PHP4. The documentation on extending PHP4
> > is unclear or is missing instructions on how to
> > generate dynamic loadable module file. I have followed
> > the instructions but I can't seem to be able to create
> > the module.
> > (I even looked at Sterling Hughes article on
> > WebTechniques.)
> > Is there a step that I am missing or what?
> > Do I need to modify the m4 file or the makefile?
> > Please advise...
> >
> > =====
> > Anas Mughal
> > Tel: 973-249-6665
> >
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