It is good that you are looking into classes and functions..... The concept
you are missing is that of "returning" a result.

At the end of your function mysql_query, add a line:

return $result;

Then, when you call that function, make it like this:

$resultArray = $TemplateTable->mysql_query("select ....");

Now you can pass $resultArray on to a different function.


On 3/12/02 3:48 PM, "caspar kennerdale" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am just getting my head around classes, so forgive me if this is a
> schoolboy error!
> In order to learn I am re-writing my content management system and am in the
> process of writing an HTML.class and a MYSQL.class.
> so far so good. I spawn new instances of a table for example, sending
> parameter,and a table is output.
> now in my MYSQL.class- I want to send a query to my class which then returns
> an array- my database row or rows.
> the problem is that whilst my array is created- I only seem to be able to
> manipulate it within my MYSQL class. This is not satisfactory as I really
> want to be able to send it on to my HTML.class for formatting etc.
> I obvioulsy do not want to format any 'echoed' output from within my
> databasee class.
> Here is a bit of sample code-
> Once my database is open I call my query like this-
> $TemplateTable = new DB;
> $TemplateTable->mysql_query('SELECT * FROM template ORDER BY name ASC LIMIT
> 10');
> This is the function within my MYSQL.class
> function mysql_query($query){
> $a= 0;
> while($row=mysql_fetch_row($SQL)) {
> $new_row =  join('***',$row);
> $result[] = $new_row;
> echo $result[$a]."<br>";
> $a++;
> }
> }
> So here I am creating a string with each row in my database which is
> delimted by *** -> $new_row.and am placing each row in anew array called
> $result.
> I can evaluate and format either $new_row or $result from within
> mysql_query() but I really want to do is to send it on to another funtion or
> even better another class- or access the values glabbally as variables.
> Any ideas or am I missing something really obvious?
> Thanks in advance

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