----- Original Message -----
From: "Analysis & Solutions" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, March 14, 2002 8:36 AM
Subject: Re: [PHP] Targetted redirection?

> On Thu, Mar 14, 2002 at 07:58:29AM +0800, Michael P. Carel wrote:
> > I have that kind of problem before, but it whould be much better to use
> > javascripts rather than the HTTP Header function when redirecting to
> > over the frame page. Use this instead:
> >
> > echo"<scripts>top.location.href=http://your.page.direction; </scripts>";
> >
> > I've already tried and using this kind of redirection and it just works
> > with me.
> Sure it works... execpt when people who have Java'sCrap turned off come
> to your site.  Oh, and then there's the folks with browsers that don't
> have JS at all?  HTTP headers work across all browsers.
> header('Location: http://foo.org/') is the real solution.
> For more info on why not to use Java'sCrap and how accomplish the same
> things without it, see
>    http://www.analysisandsolutions.com/code/weberror.htm?j=y
> Enjoy,
> --Dan

oh yes i've got your point, but i've tried what you've told us before but
still it does not redirect to cover over the frame page.
Here's what i've did:

header('Window-target: _top');
header('Location: http://my.directed.page');

or either

header('Window-target: _blank');
header('Location: http://my.directed.page');

this source doesnt redirect to cover the frame, instead it just shows within
the frame, and upon refresh it will cover the frame page.
what should be the problem?


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