On Fri, 15 Mar 2002, Jeff Dale wrote:
> I want to have a dropdown list populated with data from my MySql server.
> Any examples or websites that could help is appreciated.

function outputSingleSelect()
// $name = name to give the HTML form element.
// $query = MySQL query. Should return 2 columns. First column
//    is the key, second is the label.
// $default = key of item to be preselected, if any.
// $labelchoice = instructional item (like "- Select a city -") to
//    place at the top of the list
        global $DEBUG;
        list ($name, $query, $default, $labelchoice) = func_get_args();
        if (!$query) return;
        if ($DEBUG) print "<br>Calling outputSingleSelect with $query";
        $st = mysql_query($query);
        if (mysql_errno()) return;
        $select = "<select name=\"$name\">";
        if ($labelchoice)
                $select .= '<option value="**"';
                if (!$default) { $select .= ' selected'; }
                $select .= ">$labelchoice";
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($st))
                $select .= '<option value="' . $row[0] . '"';
                if ($default == $row[0]) { $select .= ' selected'; }
                $select .= '>' . $row[1];
        $select .= '</select>';
        return (mysql_num_rows($st)) ? $select : '';

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