Hi guys,

I'm new to PHP and i'm trying to set it up so that i can use the mail() 
function to send emails. I'm using Mac OS X 10.1.3, PHP  4.1.2 and 

I've copied the php.ini-dist to usr/local/lib and renamed it php.ini

I have also uncommented the following lines from the httpd.conf -
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .phtml
AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps

The server was also restarted using the command:
sudo apachectl graceful

When i run my .php file containing:


$message="this message";
mail($to, $subject, $message, "$from\r\nX-Priority: 1 (Highest)");

... nothing seems to happen ei. the mail was not sent.

Can anyone suggest anything that i could do to try and rectify this 
Thanks in advance.


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