I install slack8 with apache + mod_ssl + mod_php

from the CD.

nothing is enabled at the begining.

I enable php . .from uncommenting the appropriate httpd.con line
I download php 4-1-2 latest . . I compile and install ...PHP no works..

mod_ssl does not work... I uncomment the line in  httpd.conf and then

apachectl startssl

apache couldn;t start...

apachectl start

apache starts with php enabled . .but no SSL . .

anyone has a solution to that ?
y mod_ssl default install from the slack CD does not work ?

something I do wrong . or it is the problem from the CD's installation.?



"Septic Flesh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> anyone found any webserver for linux to support HTML - PHP - SSL without
> much/any compiling . .
> just the binary to uncompress and run .???
> I am really tired by linux......
> --
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Sapilas@/dev/pinkeye
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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