Julio Nobrega Trabalhando wrote:
>   That would be easier. fopen the session file and store the information on
> a database. Later you just fwrite the contents to a new file.

I don't use PHP4 sessions since I cook my own, but I think the
above won't work. My guess is that if you read the file, then
save to DB that part will work fine. However, when you try to
restore the session, the session has already loaded, you grab
your data from the DB, and write over the file, your page finishes
and writes the current session over what you think you just made
the current session. Strikes me you'd need to unserialize into
the current session structure... which I think can be found
somewhere in the GLOBALS hash.

Cheers Rob.
| Robert Cummings |
| Webdeployer - Chief PHP and Java Programmer  |
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