Hey guys,
i have this script that changes pages in a table with the include() command, 
but i ran into trouble when i tried to change the pages by linking to 
index.php?left=theband because it would feed it to the index.php, but 
index.php would just change left back to news which is the default, how do i 
make it that it opens the theband page in stead of the default, and when i go 
to plain index.php the defaults come back?
any help apreciated


$top = "navbar";
$left = "news";
$righttop = "welcome";
$rightbottom = "pic";

$toptitle = "index";
$lefttitle = "index";
$righttoptitle = "index";
$rightbottomtitle ="index";

$extention = ".php";

print ("<table border=0>");
        print ("<tr>");
                print ("<td align=center colspan=3>");
                        include ("$top/$toptitle$extention");
                print ("</td>");
        print ("</tr>");
        print ("<tr>");
                print ("<td rowspan=2 align=center width=40%>");
                        include ("$left/$lefttitle$extention");
                print ("</td>");
                print ("<td align=center width=60% height=40%>");
                        include ("$righttop/$title$righttoptitle$extention");
                print ("</td>");
        print ("</tr>");
        print ("<tr>");
                print ("<td align=center width=60% height=55%>");
                                include ("rightbottom/$rightbottomtitle$extention");
                print ("</td>");
        print ("</tr>");
print ("</table>");
Jule Slootbeek

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