
I'd had a similar problem a few weeks ago (see

Try modifying your SQL statement like so:
mssql_query("SET TEXTSIZE 2048 select inventory from products where code =

O      From Now 'Till Then,
\->    Reginald Alex Mullin
/\      212-894-1690

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jerome Houston [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, May 13, 2002 8:52 PM
> Subject:      MSSQL 2000's 'real' type kills php
> Hi,
> i'm working on a win2k server running php 4.1.1  accessing MSSQL server
> 2000 
> on a win2k server.
> i've got a problem with a table that has 'real' numbers in it.
> <database snippet>
> code    inventory     name
> PRC01   2.33          Prince Brand Chips
> FCA13   9.9999934E-2  Frozen Calamari
> </database snippet>
> when i
> mssql_query("select * from products");
> or, more specifically
> mssql_query("select inventory from products where code = 'FCA13'");
> BOOM!  php crashes, and i get a pop-up window in MSIE that says, "IE
> cannot 
> open the site ......  the connection with the server was reset"
> but
> mssql_query("select * from products where code = 'PRC01'");
> works like a charm.....
> granted 9.9999934E-2 isn't an actual number for inventory, it should be
> 0.10 
> .  BUT, i can't help that.  my application is not the only one that uses 
> this data.
> this happens with various numbers that have high precision.
> anyone run into this before?  any suggestions?
> thanks VERY much in advance,
> jerome
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