On Wed, 15 May 2002, Phil Schwarzmann wrote:
> I know I'll get mauled big-time on this mailing list but I'm thinking
> about putting PHP on hold for a while and learning ASP.NET
> I love PHP and open-source computing but if one wants to get a job in
> web development, you'll have a much better time find a job with both PHP
> and ASP (among others) skills.
> I'm going to hop on the ASP bandwagon but I'm not sure if I should
> first learn ASP w/ VB or w/ C#
> Any thoughts on this?  What are the pros and cons of both?

I worked with ASP/VBScript for about a year when I was with a government
agency that had standardized on it.

My thought is this: I'd rather change jobs to tongue-clean toilets at an
Nigerian truck stop than go through that again. You won't believe how
verbose and weak the language is. Imagine all the hassle of Java coupled
all the power of DOS batchfiles. Every single thing you want to do - even
basic filesystem operations like working with directories and file
permissions!!! - requires purchasing expensive and buggy .COM components
from nasty little companies with horrible documentation and nonexistent
customer service. I consider it an incredibly developer-hostile
environment (unless you're in the business of developing developer tools,
which seems to be the lynchpin of the ASP ponzi scheme).

Your choices are your own, but it's always seemed to me that it makes more 
sense to be focus on being really good at something fun, than to spread 
out to things that every other loser is already doing. Insofar as it can 
be said about a programming language, PHP is actually fun - in a way that 
only Perl seems to match (though Perl is certainly a more frustrating kind 
of fun).

As for .NET, I thought I just read that Microsoft was pulling everything 
in for a rethink because of all the negative reactions it was getting.


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