Can anyone here shed some light on this issue?

I have a class which is responsible for it's own database access and (some
of it) is initalised as below:

class myClass
    var $conn;
    var $sth;
    // etc...

    function myClass ($db)
        $host = "localhost";
        $user = "user_name";
        $password = "password";
        $this->conn = mysql_connect ($host, $user, $pwd)
            or die ("Unable to connect to database");
        $sel = mysql_select_db ($db, $this->conn);
        if (!$sel) die ("Unable to select database");
        return true;

    // rest of the class

Now, say for example the class is used as per the script below:

        require ("myClass.class");
        $c1 = new myClass ("first_database");
        $c2 = new myClass ("second_database");

        // error here

When I try to work with the first instance of my class, I get an error which
I finally tracked down to it trying to run it's SQL queries against the
database defined in $c2.  Now, I was under the impression that class
variables were private to each instance, however, this seems to be acting
like a static var.



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