Thanks Bogdan,

That's what I thought, but I was beginning to feel 'guilty' the more I 
understood php. It seems to me, from my limited experience, that there's much 
mor chance for error using 'pure' php (as in forgetting ' or " or closing 
with ; -- but . . . 

Actually I've found that the 'mixed' is easier to read and understand -- less 
quotes, less 'print' to read with every line. But that's just personal taste 
on my part.

While I'm at it, I've also noticed that coders tend to integrate 'result' 
pages with the 'calling' page. (That is, I have a text input, and use a php 
function to verify it on the same page). I've tended to keep them separate 
for de-bugging purposes. Should I consider re-writing them as well?


On Sunday 02 June 2002 08:16 pm, you wrote:
> No *real* reason - just two not-so-important ones:
> 1. Clarity
> Please compare these two:
> ------ "MIXED"
> <td bgcolor="<?php echo $td_col; ?>" class="<?php echo $prefclass; ?>">
> <?php $fldcontent=$myrow[0]?$myrow[0]:"no data"; ?>
> <input type="text" name="fname" size="50" value="<?php echo $fldcontent;
> ?>">
> </td>
> ------ "PURE"
> <?php
>   echo("<td bgcolor='$td_col' class='$prefclass'>\n");
>   $fldcontent=$myrow[0]?$myrow[0]:"no data";
>   echo("<input type='text' name='fname' size='50' value='$fldcontent'>\n");
> ?>
> The second is much easier to read and understand, you must agree.
> 2. Speed
> There's an urban legend saying that switching php tags on and off would
> slow parsing down. I don't know if that's true and try to write "pure"
> php as you call it due to the first reason.
> Bogdan
> Andre Dubuc wrote:
> >I've noticed that many people on the list code in 'pure' php, i.e.
> >
> ><?
> >print "<input type='text' name='fname' size='50'>";
> >
> >// etc
> >?>
> >
> >Since most of my code is a mixture (the early stuff is 'mixed' html +
> > php), I've been wondering why code in 'pure' php? Is there some
> > compelling reason (that I'm unaware of) for doing so? Should I rewrite
> > all my earlier code into its 'pure' form? If so, what do I do with the
> > '<! DOCTYPE . . . > statement -- put it in quotes too?
> >
> >I would like to understand the reasons for writing code in this manner,
> > when all my code works fine, displays great: am I missing something
> > important here? Btw, I use the 'php' ending for all file names.
> >
> >Your thoughts, opinions and suggestions would be greatly appreciated --
> > I'd like to do what is best.
> >
> >Tia,
> >Andre

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