That REALLY is a tricky one because it's documented the way you wrote it 
in most places, except where you (and I) should've looked:

The trick is that you must remove the equal sign.


Tim Thorburn wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm trying to set a PHP include directory for one of my sites.  I'm on 
> a shared hosting system, so I don't have access to the php.ini file.
> My plan was to do it using a .htaccess file in Apache - however I must 
> be doing something very much wrong, as it isn't working.
> Here is what I've tried:
> php_value include_dir = ".:/data/sites/site_name/htdocs/includes"
> I've checked the above path by running phpinfo(); on my site to 
> determine where its located on my servers hard drive.
> When I add the above line to my .htaccess file - I get a 500 Internal 
> Server Error.
> My site is using Apache 1.3.12 and PHP 3.0.18, any thoughts on how I 
> might get this to work?
> Thanks
> -Tim

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