Well, it sounds like something that could be done through the db
query, but if you want to use arrays, it'd be something like this...

$servers = arrray('s1','s2','s3','s4','s5');
$group1 = array('s1','s4','s5');

$in_group = array_intersect($servers, $group1);
$not_in_group = array_diff($servers, $group1);


On Wed, 5 Jun 2002, Chris Knipe wrote:

> hey everyone,
> Does anyone have and ideas of wisdom on how to compare arrays (mysql result
> sets) and group items based on if they exist in two or more arrays?
> For example:
> I have a table, with a list of servers:
> server1
> server2
> server3
> server4
> server5
> ...
> serverX
> I have a table that specifies which of the servers are grouped:
> group1
>   server1
>   server4
>   server5
> Now, I want to compare group1 against the server list, and do something like
> the following:
> In group:
>   server1
>   server4
>   server5
> Not in group:
>   server2
>   server3
>   serverX

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