I assume you're not checking the status returned by the
database function calls, becuase they'd probably give
you valueable information on *why* it's doing that.  :)

try checking the return val, and (if using mysql) print
out mysql_error() if you get a bad return val.

Scott Hurring
Systems Programmer
EAC Corporation
Voice: 201-462-2149
Fax: 201-288-1515

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jeff Field [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, June 06, 2002 4:58 PM
> Subject: [PHP] Weird intermittent "No Database Selected" problem
> I apologize...I just posted this to the database list but 
> then realized it
> may not be a database issue, so thought I'd better give it a 
> shot over here.
> Help!
> I've been having a weird problem today (and maybe it's been 
> there all along,
> just haven't noticed...it's only been live a few days).  I 
> have a web page
> that allows users to query my database by either subject or 
> alphabet (A-Z).
> Today (and I think I noticed it once before but didn't pay 
> much attention),
> if you do a query, the first time it comes back with the results.  The
> second time, clicking the same letter (or sometimes other 
> letters), for
> instance, it comes back with a "Database Not Selected" error. 
>  Or, every
> time in a row for a dozen times it comes back with a 
> "Database Not Selected"
> error.  Or, sometimes it comes back with the results just 
> fine for twenty
> times in a row. Or, ...
> You get the idea.  It doesn't happen all the time, just 
> sometimes, and in no
> particular order.  Very strange because I'm not changing a dang thing.
> Anyway, I've already tried rebooting the server, no change.  
> And, I've tried
> accessing the web page from other machines, same problem.  
> Has anyone ever
> run into this?
> I'm running Red Hat 7.2, Apache 1.3.23, MySQL 3.23.49a, and PHP 4.2.1.
> Here's the code in the web page with only some name changes 
> (for security,
> ya know):
> <?php
> function Query()
>       {
>               global $mydb, $recordset, $total_rows, $letter;
>               $letter = $_GET['letter'];
>               mysql_select_db($database_mydb, $mydb);
>               $query = sprintf("SELECT name
>                                       FROM tbl_mytable
>                                       WHERE name LIKE %s
>                                       ORDER BY name ASC",
>                                       SQLStr($letter . "%", "text"));
>               $recordset = mysql_query($query, $mydb) or 
> die(mysql_error());
>               $total_rows = mysql_num_rows($recordset);
>       }
> ?>
> And then the code in my include where I keep all the db 
> connection stuff:
> <?php
> $hostname_mydb = "localhost";
> $database_mydb = "mydb";
> $username_mydb = "user";
> $password_mydb = "xxxxxxxx";
> $mydb= mysql_pconnect($hostname_mydb, $username_mydb, 
> $password_mydb) or
> die(mysql_error());
> ?>
> Any help is appreciated!!  Thanks!
> Jeff
> -- 
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