Hello andy,

      Well i do work on the same project. Now i got little lost with
      headers. If anyone can help me I'll be glad. as for all othe
      issues like updating databases they are solved :) With now cron
      job :)
Monday, July 15, 2002, 7:27:19 PM, you wrote:

>> It would be relatively straight-forward to have a PHP script run
a> periodically,
>> read from an NNTP server ..

a> ok sounds logical. Don't have any experiance on doing anything nntp related
a> in php.

a> There are some questions I am wondering about:

a> - do I have to compile php with a special flag to do this?
a> - how is it possible to run a php script periodicly?
a> - can you mak a short example how to read from a nntp server?

a> Thanx for your help,

a> Andy

a> "Stuart Dallas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
>> On Monday, July 15, 2002, 2:42:24 PM, Stuart Dallas wrote:
>> > On Monday, July 15, 2002, 1:55:44 PM, "Andy" wrote:
>> >> Has anybody an idea how they do this.
>> It would be relatively straight-forward to have a PHP script run
a> periodically,
>> read from an NNTP server and add new posts into the forum database. This
a> is how
>> I would guess that they do it.
>> --
>> Stuart

Best regards,
 Latex                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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