I'd like to post a follow-up to my previous message on this subject.
Please still CC me when replying, thanks.

New test code:


 if (!isset($HTTP_SESSION_VARS['counter'])) {
     $HTTP_SESSION_VARS['counter'] = 1;
 } else {
 if (!isset($counter2)) {
     $counter2 = 1;
 } else {

 if (!isset($_SESSION['counter3'])) {
     $_SESSION['counter3'] = 1;
 } else {

 echo(sprintf("You have visited this page %d times!", $HTTP_SESSION_VARS['counter']) . 
 echo(sprintf("You have visited this page %d times!", $counter2) . "<br>");
 echo(sprintf("You have visited this page %d times!", $_SESSION['counter3']) . "<br>");

Tried these on PHP 4.0.6 (register_globals = On):
    - counter: doesn't work
    - counter1: works
    - counter2: doesn't work (to be expected)

PHP 4.2.2 (register_globals = Off):
    None of the counters work; same when register_globals = On

I'm really puzzled by this; could someone please point me in the right

Alexander Deruwe

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