Can you telnet/SSH to the machine & install CURL in your home directory?
You shouldn't have to be root to do this.

Or, are you trying to get CURL loaded into PHP?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Henry [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, August 30, 2002 2:21 AM
> Subject: [PHP] Using cURL
> Dear All,
> I'm using a shared server hosted by an ISP. I cannot get PHP recompiled
> with --with-curl. I've read the information about cURL but it
> appears that I
> need to be root in order to install it? I cannot do this. Does this mean
> that I cannot use cURL or CURL at all? If it doesn't what do I
> need to do so
> I can start using it?
> Henry
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