It's curious that it should be working some times and not others.  This may
be overkill but you might try a double redundent redirect where if the
Header() function does not do the job then the script falls down into a
Javascript which attempts the same thing.

.. rest of script..
<s cript>
top.location.href = "<?echo "https://$SERVER_NAME$path";?>";
</s cript>


----- Original Message -----
From: "jana konickova" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2002 10:03 AM
Subject: [PHP] Redirecting - header location - sometimes not work

> I have the php script with the command
> Header("Location: https://$SERVER_NAME$path";);
> which redirect from the script "file1.php" to the script "file2.php".
> If I fill the form in the www page "file1.php" and click the Submit
> the script "file1.php" save the information to database and then redirect
> the page "file2.php".
> This redirecting  is functional, but not always. In some www browser the
> first redirecting not work, and if I return to the www page "file1.php"
> if I click the Submit button again, the redirecting  working.
> Do you have some help, please?
> (Using Linux,  Apache/1.3.23 & PHP 4.1.2)
> Much thanks!
> Jana Konickova
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