Yeah, my brain is broke enough already,
i'll just give the class an optional 'name' property.

Thanks all!

"Will Steffen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hehe why break your brain- give the class an id property - then you can
> have a getid method and do something like this
> $id = $this->getid();
> $this->fpLog = fopen("$id.log","w+");
> get_object_vars only seems to return properties so its not gonna help
> you.
> I'm currently working on an object thang as well and what ive done where
> I have whole bunch of similar objects is to chuck them into a name=value
> array as they get created so I can find them and fiddle with them again.
> I have no idea if that helps you, or if its even good coding practice
> (formal training - wots that?)
> hey im also a n00b so don't take my word on it  - actual mileage may
> vary :-P

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