Try eval(), like this:

$str= "'THREE'=>3, 'FOUR'=>4";

eval("\$data2 = array('ONE'=>1,'TWO'=>2,$str);");

Max Sullivan wrote:

>I am trying to populate array values and keys from a variable with no
>Lets say I have the following array.
>$data1 = array('ONE'=>1,'TWO'=>2,'THREE'=>3,'FOUR'=>4);
>And I want to create part of the array with the string below:
>$str= "'THREE'=>3, 'FOUR'=>4";
>$data2 = array('ONE'=>1,'TWO'=>2,$str);
>How can I create $data2 to work the same as $data1.  When I try the
>above for $data2 a new key is created ([0]) for $str. And I end up with
>...'TWO'=>2, [0] => 'THREE'=>3, 'FOUR'=>4.  It doesn't "interpret" the
>variable how I expect it to, instead it see's $str as a value.  I guess
>the question is how can I make php use the string literally.
>I've tried everything I can think of and I think my head is about to
>explode :).  Is it possible to create an Array this way?  Any help is
>    [ONE] => 1
>    [TWO] => 2
>    [THREE] => 3
>    [FOUR] => 4
>    [ONE] => 1
>    [TWO] => 2
>    [0] => 'THREE'=>3, 'FOUR'=>4

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