Hi again,

when I was verifying my search funktions on my webpage, I came thinking of,
how I will be able to build a search that would be able to find words which
are spelled incorrect.

I came to this point, 'cause I have a name in my Database called pettersson.
Some people believe this guy is written peterson ot petersson.

But I want all my visitors to find Him in each cases.

I read myself thru Rexular Expressions in MySQL and read thru
Fulltext searches thru MATCH() AGAINST() but I think, it would
not do what i want.

I remember an OpenSource Shop System called Interchange(MiniVend)
written in perl, which had failuretollerant search thru the use of egrep.
But I dont know how it works.

I hope I can find someone here, who has done something like that before.

I know it's not easy. So if you could help me a little, i would be very

Have it nice!


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