Thomas Weber schrieb:

> Hi,
> i'm running a selfmade PHP-chat since one and a half year, currently version
> 3. Maybe we can share some ideas....
> The image-idea is interesting, but would take heavy bandwith i think.
> My chat runs over a simple dsl-line with 256kbit upstream, there are up to
> 50 users at the same time (slow but okay). It's very good at 30 users, but
> there is a whole community with galleries etc. on the same server.
> What i know:
> To avoid reloads, you must use a "stream". That's the
> flush()'n'sleep()-thing. This is my main-loop:
> 01 ini_set("max_execution_time", "0");
> 02 for(;;)
> 03 {
> 04 $newline = get_newline($last_row);        // fetch a new line (out of an
> database for example, returns time, alias, text as array, or false if no new
> line is found)
> 05  if(is_array($newline))
> 06  {
> 07   $newtext = format($newline);        // format line for output (text
> "bla" could be "(01:01) Alias: bla" and "/me bla" could be "Alias bla",
> returns the string to be outputtet to the browser)
> 08   if($newtext AND $newtext != $oldtext) echo $newtext;        // if it's
> new text (avoids flooding), output the line!
> 09   $last_row = $newline["id"];        // next time fetch another id
> 10   flush();        // sends buffer to browser
> 11   echo "\n<!-- for Opera -->\n";        // Opera seems to use a strange
> buffer and does not display the last line, so send another one, invincible
> 12   flush();        // flush again, opera should now display the line
> 13  }
> 14  unset($newline);
> 15
> 16  usleep(200000);        // sleep some time, otherwise the script would
> eat 100% CPU. Usuable on my server (p3-550) are 100000 to 500000 msec
> 17
> 18  $loop++;
> 19  if($loop > 600)
> 20  {
> 21   echo "<!-- TOK -->\n";        // some browsers kill the connection if
> it is dead for some time, so send a "time out kill", some minutes are enaugh
> 22   $loop = 0;        // reset
> 23  }
> 24 }
> Okay, tha's the deal......
> max_execution_time is set to unlimited, I had streams running several
> days..... Fortunately PHP kills the scripts automatically if no brower is
> listening.
> To fetch a line there are some ways.... the most simple is to query a
> database for a line with an higher id, but this eats up loads of cpu-usage
> in bigger chats. Currently i use shared memory. I've an php-console-script
> running wich fetches newline out of the database and writes 'em into shared
> memory. This is MUCH faster than have every stream-script connecting to the
> db.
> What i don't know:
> I'm searching for an better idea to interchange data between the scripts
> wich enter data, the server and the stream-scripts. Shared memory is good
> enaugh for the last two one, but it ever takes min. the 200000 ms sleep-time
> for a new line. I need something to awaik the script exactly when a new line
> is in memory.
> Synchronisation between enter and server is more difficult, because there is
> the posibillity for two scripts entering a new line at the same time....
> don't know how to avoid this.
> I hope this helps.

Hey cool,
That's working. The only problem I have now is that I want the most recent text
at the top. But that script adds it on the bottom. Any way to change that? At
least a way to always scroll automatically to the bottom?

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