My chat stores usernames, timestamps in a table on DB. When refresh script runs,
it updates the timestamp on usernames and deletes rows in DB with stale
timestamps (no refresh run). Pulling usernames from this table gives current
chat users.


-----Original Message-----
From: Oliver Witt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, October 10, 2002 11:09 AM
Subject: [PHP] Re: who's in the chat?

Jason Young schrieb:

> Without knowing how your chat works as far as entering the chat, you DO
> have to put some sort of name with the person, right?  Perhaps you could
> just update a temp table with their chat name..
> Or if you can only get into chat by logging into the site, you could
> just set a bit with their cookie data or something..
> Is this not what you wanted to do? (I guess I should have asked you to
> elaborate :) )
> Just throwing suggestions out there
> -Jason

I've been trying something similar like that. How can I update a temp table
when they enter and leave the chat? That's my problem,

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