> A 99% solution is what I strive to get, between javascript 
> and CSS incompatibilty's between browsers, all kinds of HTML, 
> table and form tags looking different between systems, and 
> everything else which breaks design compatibility between the 
> two, the programming side, having the IP check is great, with 
> referer check the original user and the hacker who gets there 
> SID just have both be runnign IE if it was a browser check, 
> I'm willing to live with the possibility that someone could 
> lose there session (though it hasn't happened yet) and if it 
> does maybe we'll look at a different way to do it.

Just to bring up your browser/referrer checks, have you seen this in
your weblogs?

"Field blocked by Outpost (http://www.agnitum.com)"

That's the referrer (HTTP_REFERER) field. :)  Another popular product
(Norton Internet Security) will block HTTP_REFERER by default also.  (It
also has the ability to block the browser agent, but it's not on by

I've seen others that change HTTP_REFERER into HTTP_WEFERER and hash the
data so you can't see what it was originally.  I'm not sure which
product does this.

Jaime Bozza

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