I'm storing somewhere over 100,000 separate articles on my site, using
ht://dig to index them. They're organized as /YYYY/MM/nnnnnn. No performance
problems to speak of on a pretty popular non-commercial site (2-3
pageviews/sec, 24x7) whether they just browse through the directories or or
use ht://dig to retrieve the text.

-----Original Message-----
From: Monty [mailto:monty3@;hotmail.com]
Sent: Friday, October 25, 2002 12:40 AM
Subject: [PHP] How many is too many?

This is a more general server question: I know that having a large number of
files in one folder can slow down a web server, but, how many would it take
for this to be a problem? Wondering if I should store all articles for a
content site in one big 'articles' folder with each article having it's own
folder within (/articles/article_id/), or if I should organize them by year
then article name (/articles/2002/article_id). The site will only produce a
few hundred articles a year. I'd like the keep the file structure shallow
and simple if possible, but, if it could potentially slow the server down by
putting so many folder in one I'll split them up more.


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