> Hi Grtz Erwin,
> let me tell you wat i need to do.
> 1.) I have a login page - if the user logs in correctly i create
> session(with session_start()) , a cookie is written to client +
> session file to server.
> 2.)When the user logs off - i call the logOff.php page . The contents
> are as follows :
>     <?php
>     session_start();
>     setcookie(session_name(),-3600);
>     session_unset();
>     session_destroy();
>     ect.
>     ?>
> Now , when the user logs in again , i want a NEW COOKIE to be sent
> with a new id , to the client! This does not happen as the first
> cookie was never deleted.
> So when the user logs in again the same cookie is used ! why ?

That's weird indeed. OK, try this instead:

$name = session_name();
setcookie( $name, '', '', '/' );


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