Your better off writing it from scratch than taking some pre-existing calendar/events 
code. Break the problem up into two seperate pieces and solve for each - the creation 
of a calendar view and the creation of a events view.

"I am a calendar and I know how to:"
  Show a monthly view of myself
  Move forward one month
  Move backward one month
  When a day is clicked I ask the events viewer to show an event

"I am a events viewer and I know how to:"
  Show a event
  Add a event
  Edit a event
  Delete a event

Create two classes, Calendar (calendar.php) and Events (events.php) that do the above.

The schema of the mySQL database is simple:

create table CalendarEvents
   eventId int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment primary key,
   title varchar(64) NOT NULL,
   eventDateStart DATE default '0000-00-00',
   eventDateEnd DATE default '0000-00-00',
   event text NOT NULL

Instead of entering in a date, why not click on the calendar's day to take you to a 
form that will let you enter in the information. Here's some functions to helpin 
generating the calendar, which is nothing more than a 6 row by 7 column table. Figure 
out the start of the first day in the month via the FirstDayofMonth() function below. 
Create blank cells up to that day, then generate the numbered days, along with 
numbered day hyperlinks that when clicked, contain the month, day, year (e.g. 
hyperlink for the day contains Events.php?m=11d=5y=2002). This will create your 
context for the day. You will be able to $_GET the params from within Events.php. This 
will allow you to insert/delete/edit the record for that day in the database.

    function IsLeapYear($year)
        return(date("L", mktime(0,0,0,1,1,$year)));

    function FirstDayofMonth($month, $year)
        // 0 - Sunday.... 6 - Saturday
        return(date("w", mktime(0,0,0,$month,1,$year)));

    function DaysInMonth($month, $year)
        return(date("t", mktime(0,0,0,$month,1,$year)));

Good luck,

Kerry Kobashi
Kobashi Computing


"Ray Healy )" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
Dear All

I spent days and days on this little project but still cannot get it to work (new to 
PHP as you might guess).

I have a script which is a combination of tutorial scripts and free code to display a 
calendar with colour coded cells for the events on each day.

The only way to enter events is to enter them one at a time. What I want to do is to 
be able to enter either a start date and end date or start date and the number of 
days. This will then enter a new line in the mySQL database for each day. There would 
only ever be one vent per day.

I have the following fields at present in the database and would probably need another 
field (say number of days)
id int (auto_increment) - eventdate date ('0000-00-00') - title (varchar) - event 

Can anyone help me as I have searched them web and mail lists to no avail. Everything 
that is available is excellent but does too much for what I need.

Summary:- a calendar that can colour code the background cells if there is an event 
title in the mySQL database and to be able to enter the event for multiple days.

Any help would be very much appreciated.

Thanks for your time


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