Your first function is only going to return one row of 'checked=no' records.
The second function will only return one column of the result.

What you want is a JOIN. You can do all of this with a single query. Without
knowing the format of your tables exactly, I can't give you the syntax,

Check the MySQL manual and read the chapter on JOINs.

---John Holmes...

----- Original Message -----
From: "Steve Jackson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, November 05, 2002 9:50 AM
Subject: [PHP] Help me learn! with an explanation of these two functions.

> Can someone run over these functions I have written to explain if my
> logic is correct.
> I'm still new to PHP and am trying to get my head round it!
> This first function is to collect a list of order numbers from my
> database where checked = no.
> Am I correct in assuming that the variable $orderid will be an array of
> results returned? How can I check this?
> function get_live_orders()
> {
> $conn = db_connect();
> $query = "select orderid from email where checked='no'";
> $result = @mysql_query($query);
> if(mysql_numrows($result)>0)
>     $orderid = @mysql_fetch_array($result);
> return $orderid;
> }
> This second function is to take these order numbers and compare them to
> order numbers in a second table and return the result of that. So if
> order number 100001 is in the first array from the above function and
> there is a number 100001 in the second query result I want to take all
> the data in that row and return it.
> function get_order_details()
> {
> $orderid = get_live_orders();
> $conn = db_connect();
> $query = "select * from orders where orderid='$orderid'";
> $result = @mysql_query($query);
> if (!$result)
>      return false;
>    $result = mysql_result($result, 0, "orderid");
>    return $result;
> }
> I haven't actually run this yet but I'd like someone to explain to me
> what these functions will do so I am not just copy pasting code and
> hoping to get it right eventually! Probably I have written this wrong
> anyway and would like help before I actually attempt to do what I am
> after.
> I'll look back on this tomorrow so any help will be greatly appreciated.
> Kind regards,
> Steve Jackson
> Web Developer
> Viola Systems Ltd.
> Mobile +358 50 343 5159
> --
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