the issue isn't with query, it's with variables used within queries...

$id = $_GET['id'];
$query = "SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE id=$id";

and if you call this page as (or something like this):
?id='' OR 1=1

You can alter the query


Stephen wrote:
> Since day one of me doing MySQL stuff in PHP, I've always set up my
> query as a variable then put it into the query function such as this:
>     $query = "SELECT * FROM bobstuff WHERE id='1'";
>     $result = mysql_query($query, $connection);
> I've just come aware of the security risks of this. How could I make it
> so the $query variable isn't editable from the URL? Should I turn
> register_globals off?
> Thanks,
> Stephen Craton
> "Life is a gift from God. Wasting it is like destroying a gift you got
> from the person you love most." --

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