
I have a little question to which I hope to find an anwser in here.
Currently, I have a big script which receives approx 1.5 million hits every
day. Since this script does some common calculations that underlying scripts
use, I want to rewrite this into C and initially make it an external module
for beta testing and then eventually compile it directly into PHP.

Now, I got this really good book, Web Application Development with PHP by
Ratschiller and Gerken. It has a complete chapter devoted to "hacking the
core of PHP" which shows how to create extensions.

Now, they describe 2 common ways of hacking the core... making a shared
object (which is what I want at this point) , or compiling the extension
right into the core. They decribe how to make your extension with
~/ext/ext_skel , but they don't describe which steps to take when you only
want to make a shared object... the only thing they say is "at this point,
you should have a new PHP binary or a .so file" ... but they never gave any
indication how to chose... they just asume you want a new php binary or sth.

Now, can anyone provide me with a few brief description (a few steps) how to
make your own dynamically loadable module in PHP?

Thanks in advance.


Leon Mergen

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