Parts which should be entered in the Site, but which are not written down yet:

1. Newsletter / Mailinglist Funktionality

The Newsletter should be part of the Article Management and work in the same way as
writing a new article.

Mailinglist is what ever it is. Maybe a Majodomo implementation or something else.

2. Maybe a nice webbased E-Mail Client for all the Users, so this webpage becomes a
very important position in a company and saves a lot of money, cause of all the 
and installation support for MS-DOS Mailclients and so on.

And Maybe other things.

Now I will writte down the translation of my handwritten notes, maybe its a little 
of the part above, but maybe its good for the understanding.

Customers should be able to write commentarys to the Articles, The Author or the 
should be able to choose if the arcticles are for the internal use or may be viewed 
from outer space.
Every Article is having a clear designator, consisting of charakters and a number.

Translation of Articles:

Every Employe has, after the login, access to his personal Tasks Pool. This pool 
consist of tasks
which where personaly assigned to him or tasks which are able to be worked out from 
Due to the Priority the User, he can decide which task he wants to do first, and start 
with the work.
After the user has choosen which task he wants to do, he is asked in which language he 
want to
to translate the article.
After this is done a mask/form is generated where the user sees the text in the 
choosen language
and can enter his translation below.
When the translation is done, the article is going to be written back in the pool of 
the main author,
who can decide if the text is ready to be published.
If the text is not ready the text can be written back to the pool of the translator of 
the article.
It should be possible to enter internal comments to the articles, which only the users 
of the admin
tool can see, and external comments from customers.

Entering Texts:

The CMS should, cause of an interaktive Inquiry of the needed functions, generate a,  
for the article
design, customized input mask.
The writing of the Content follows the given Sample:
The User wants to create an Article. He clicks on a button and and can decide in which 
the text should be published in. In fact of the number of languages, there will be 
created an custo-
mized input mask.
1. Content written only in one language is going to be entered just on one page which 
consists of
some WYSIWYG Editor Elements Designed for the parts of the texts eg. Headline, Intro, 
description, Imageupload and so on.
2. Cause of the number of languages the content should be published in there will be 
different customized input masks. First the text has to be written in you 
motherlanguage or 
language you are able to write in best. After this is done you will enter into some 
forms where
you see the first part you have done and down below that you will see a input mask 
where you
can enter the translation or choose a user who should do this translation for you.
When the text has to be written in the languages there will be three steps and forms 
you have
to work thru or you have to choose translaters for.
Fx.: The User is only able to do two of the needed translations, the user can 
explicitly define one
user to do the translation in a certain language or he is able to choose a group of 
users who are
able to speak the needed language.
3. If the User starts to work in an translation the task is going to hide in the pool 
of users who are
able to translate in the same language as the user. The Task doesnt hide in the pools 
of other
language speaking users as long the content is translated in a fully publishable 
language eg.
all parts of the text are translated.
4. For every texttranslation the Author is able to set a priotity bit.

User Management:

Every User may choose parts of the website he want to take part in developing content.
After the the Administrator has created a user account for the user, the user is able
to create a profile about his abilities.
Did the user enter a language into the porfile, which the CMS did not recognize all 
are automatically exented with this new language, and the texts which should be trans-
lated to every language should automatically be shown in the pool of the user, so the
parts can be translated direcly into the new language.

Alternative to the Userprofile the Administrator is able to decide in which Field the 
should work in.

Ok, this was it.

How you will like what i though myself about. I can just send you the things i have 
until yet.

I wanted to past links to my work, but I have problems on installing freecon on my
webserver. Something is wrong with the PHP Configuration and today I dont have
time to find out.

the URL's are For the Frontend For the Administration phpinfo()

But I did not went very far. And the Translations are not working, due to the
error in the or an error in php configuration of the server, because
it works on my laptop.

I have an Debain Gnu Wood Webserver, but I'm not even able to pay the rent for
my flat, so this is a very unsecure place right now, but if somebody wants to have
a lot of webspace and traffic in the middle of germany (Berlin). Please contact me
for helping me to pay the server.

The Freecon Script should work on any apache with PHP 4.3 installed, so feel free
to tell me if you want to have the script, or if there is an cvs professional around 
to make freecon available as an cvs project.

Would be nice if this CMS would be a nice opensource project :))

Have a nice day!



PS.: This is the noneworking (On localhost it works):

$host = 'localhost'; // SQL Server
$user = 'root'; // Name of the SQL User
$pass = 'any'; // Password of the SQL User
$dbase = 'freecon'; // Database

// Connection to the SQL Server
$connect = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass) or die("Fehler beim Öffnen der DB auf 
$host User: $user ");
// Database select
$Query = "USE ".$dbase;
$selectDB = mysql_query($Query, $connect) or die("Could not select the DB due the 
following error: ". mysql_error());

// Sessionmanagement

// Manual Language Selection
if ($_REQUEST['lang'] != '') {
 $_SESSION['lang'] = $_REQUEST['lang'];

// Manual Language Selection
while ($_SESSION['lang'] == '') {
 $p1lang = explode(',', $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']);
 $p2lang = explode('-', $p1lang[0]);
 $_SESSION['lang'] = $p2lang[0];

// SQL Query for Multilanguagesupport
$Query = "SELECT pointer, ".$_SESSION['lang']." FROM front_lang";
$Result = mysql_query($Query, $connect);
while ($arrlang = mysql_fetch_array($Result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
 $lang[$arrlang['pointer']] = $arrlang[$_SESSION['lang']];

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