I've been searching and not really sure what I should
be searching for.

I just got a note from a reader who says that they are
unable to read an article on our website (from the
screenshot it looks like browser is getting binary
data). This article is php generated html with proper
doctype, html, and header tags. 

The trouble is that the same script is generating
articles that this person can read.

I'm guessing that this has something to do with the
browser getting gzipped content and not knowing it. My
script does not gzip and my php setting are as
follows, so I don't think this is happening on the

ZLib Support  enabled  
Compiled Version  1.1.3  
Linked Version  1.1.3
zlib.output_compression         Off     Off 
zlib.output_compression_level   -1     -1 
zlib.output_handler             no value  no value 

Any ideas?

Thanks much,

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