> Can I run a php script in crontab?
> Do I echo or print?
> Anyone doing it?

This is a serious security hazard. However, what you could do is have a PHP
page set cron settings (such as name of file, location, frequency, and
importance), then have another cron job (running at a decent frequency) do
the organization. However, this is still a security flaw, as hackers can
just take a look at your cron jobs and get in and run their own in place of
yours. Probably no more a flaw than normal, though, as if a hacker can get
in to replace your cron job, they can get in and run any number of things
anyway. Make sure to hard code your cron jobs, as having a downloadable page
is a bigger security hazard. You don't want the PHP page to do this itself,
because it will have to run as root.

I did this one time, and if I'm allowed some time to get my page up, I can
e-mail you some instructions. What you'll need is a PHP page, a txt file
(for the settings) and a cron job that will read the file and do the
necessary steps to arrange the cron jobs itself.

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