<<The problem I ran into is that mySQL will not allow certain punctuation
inside of a record (no comma's). So now I am left trying to figure out how I
can have the user update the paragraph without having it in a db. Can
someone shoot me in the proper direction? Thanks in advance, your help is
greatly appreciated.>>

Don't forget to escape apostrophes and double quotation marks where needed.
Also, check the actual MySQL. If it contains things like double quotation
marks or greater- or less-than tags, it may be misinterpreted by your
browser when output. A line like:

<INPUT TYPE = "TEXT" VALUE = "$result[0]">

could come out like:

<INPUT TYPE = "TEXT" VALUE = "Example text that screws up """><>$%#$" there
it is">

or even in non-form tags.

Try checking both MySQL and the output code in your browser.

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