Hi Pierre,

Pierre Joye in php.windows (Tue, 9 Jul 2013 07:46:48 +0200):
>impersonation should solve this problem. I've to check if another
>function(s) has to be used to get the impersonated user.

Please check it out.

I suppose I will not be the only one interested in running multiple
PHP's with OPcache on Windows, but a little background might come of

On our Windows 2008 R2 servers we have a mixture of old Drupal6 and
newer Drupal7 sites. They need to be running on Windows, because we are
heavily using Windows Media Services to stream WMV-files.

For instance the Views module in Drupal6 is not prepared for PHP5.4+. It
runs but is generating numerous error messages. So we still need PHP 5.3
as long as we have not upgraded those sites (and that may be quite a
long time from now).

For our Drupal7 sites we want to switch to PHP 5.5 to benefit from the
increased speed and stability. For both PHP versions we are impressed by
the performance gain OPcache delivers. So there it is: how do we run PHP
5.3 with Opcache and PHP 5.5 with OPcache under the same Apache?


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