On Tue, 2013-07-30 at 18:53 +0200, R. S. wrote: 
> > This is a known issue with 8 bit filenames, please read here
> Yes, but 8.3 names are not 8-bit.
In addition to the fact that 8.3 names are an issue themselves as they
might be not present on a particular system, it's about a multibyte name
in your case. So it needs to be encoded and decoded. 
> > If you work with COM, why don't
> > you use it to get the file contents?
> I really need a file handle to use with for example
> curl which needs it to store content of downloading file.
> Is there a way of producing a file handle with COM
> that is understandable by php ?
Not sure about that and whether it's needed. I'd rather do inside out,
use a non unicode filename with CURL and then move that file into some
unicode name using a cmd script. Or even move it using COM. 



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