hi Eric!

On Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 9:14 PM, Eric Stenson <erics...@microsoft.com> wrote:
> The IIS team has published the release version of  WinCache Extension 1.3.5 
> for PHP 5.5 
> <http://sourceforge.net/projects/wincache/files/wincache-1.3.5/wincache-1.3.5-5.5-nts-vc11-x86.exe/download>.
>   This is the latest stable and production ready version of the extension for 
> PHP 5.5.
> Installation using the Web Platform Installer is easiest, as it will 
> automatically place the extension binary into proper location and will update 
> the PHP configuration to enable the extension. Also, if you have the previous 
> version of the extension installed, then Web PI will upgrade it. If you 
> install any PHP 5.5 application by using Web PI, the WinCache Extension 1.3.5 
> for PHP will be offered as an optional component.
> If you install the extension manually, then follow the instructions at  
> Installing/Configuring WinCache for PHP 
> <http://us2.php.net/manual/en/wincache.setup.php>.
> Notes
> *In PHP 5.5, the Zend Opcache extension is now in the core PHP product, 
> although the extension is not loaded by default.  To load the Zend Opcache 
> extension, ensure the following line is included in the php.ini file:
> zend_extension=php_opcache.dll
> [opcache]
> opcache.enable=1
> *Since the Zend Opcache extension is now in the core PHP product, the 
> WinCache opcode cache is disabled by default.  The opcode cache portion of 
> WinCache is now deprecated, and will be removed in a future release of the 
> WinCache extension.
> *There was a bug that caused an Access Violation (AV) on shutdown, when both 
> the Zend Opcache extension and the WinCache extension were loaded, AND both 
> extensions were enabled for CLI use.  An updated version of the Zend Opcache 
> extension is available in PHP 5.5.2.  It is strongly recommended that 
> customers use PHP 5.5.2 or later when using the WinCache Extension 1.3.5 for 
> PHP 5.5. Installation of WinCache Extension 1.3.5 for PHP 5.5 using the Web 
> Platform Installer will install PHP 5.5.2 or later.
> *The extension can only be used with non-thread-safe builds of PHP
> *The extension can only be used when IIS is configured to run PHP via FastCGI
> *The WinCache Extension 1.3.5 for PHP 5.5 can only be used with the x86 VC11 
> build of PHP 5.5.
> Thanks!
> The IIS team thanks all of you who have installed and tried early releases of 
> the WinCache extension and provided us with feedback, bug reports and feature 
> suggestions through the Windows Cache Extension for PHP Forum 
> <http://forums.iis.net/1164.aspx/1?Windows+Cache+Extension+for+PHP>. Your 
> involvement throughout the release process has been very valuable to us and 
> really helped us make this a great release!

Thanks for your work! Great news!

What's about pecl? The repository
(http://svn.php.net/viewvc/pecl/wincache) and the web part misses
updates, package releases and tags, etc. http://pecl.php.net/pecl. Any
plan to sync them? Feel free to ping me on lync if you need help here


@pierrejoye | http://www.libgd.org

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