
On 25.03.2014 21:02, Sebastian Andrzej Siewior wrote:
On 2014-03-25 16:55:56 [+0100], Andreas Cadhalpun wrote:
Please confirm that this is fixed now, or yell if it is not.

It got way better.

That's good. :)

After flipping lograte in configure, clamd.conf gets updated right way.
freshclam.conf is only updated after the dpkg-reconfigure "freshclam".
Haven't look at milter yet.
The part that I don't like is that you to run dpkg-reconfigure on those
packages again. Is this something that should be fixed or is this
something that is documented and the user should know about it?

I don't really like this behavior either and I'm not aware that it is documented, at least not in README.Debian. So we probably can't assume a user knows about this.

Would it make sense to move the logrotate part into the individual
package (before now I wasn't aware that freshclam has also one :)) so
that logrotate.d files and the .conf are update after the change has
been made? That would then properly close #669287 then.

We could duplicate clamav-base/LogRotate to clamav-{freshclam,milter}/LogRotate. This would solve part of the problem, because then dpkg-reconfigure would work as expected for these, but one would still have to run dpkg-reconfigure/clamav-daemon after changing clamav-base/LogRotate.

This makes me wonder, why the clamav-base package configures clamav-daemon and not the clamav-daemon package. The clamav-base description reads:
"This package mainly manages the clamav system account. It is not
 really useful without the clamav package. It also handles the
 configuration for both the clamav-daemon and the clamav-milter
But the clamav-milter configuration is nowadays managed in clamav-milter (isn't it?), so this could be done similarly for clamav-daemon.

Alternatively, we could simply add a paragraph to README.Debian explaining the need to run dpkg-reconfigure more often.

Best regards,

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