On Fri, Aug 18, 2017 at 09:02:11AM +0000, Teus Benschop wrote:
>    Hi Roberto,
>    I am glad that there is a way to become a Debian Developer, and that you
>    are willing to advocate the application, once it is ready. Thank you for
>    that.
>    I will take my time to carefully study all the steps required to be taken
>    on the road towards being a full member of the Debian community of
>    developers.
>    Time permitting, I am willing to help you with items on the backlog of
>    patches and bugs and other package-related issues. 
>    I do expect upstream of each package to provide adequate responses to open
>    queries if they're willing to have their packages in Debian.
>    What is this backlog located? I can then have a look at it and pick an
>    item that is not too difficult to start off with.
>    Teus.

Hi Teus,

The "backlog" is not really official.  Rather, it is simply that over
the last several months there have been requests sent to the mailing
list for review of package updates, requests for help, and requests for
upload sponsorship.  I recommend that you start by reviewing the mailing
list archives [0].  It looks like the activity started about six months
ago in February with a request for sponsorship (RFS) you submitted.

You should also review the open bug reports in packages maintained by
the team [1].

If you have not read it already, the Debian Mentor guidelines [2] are a
good resource as well.  Make sure that you follow the guidelines when
requesting sponsorship of a package upload, but note that you can send
your sponsorship request directly to this mailing list instead of
posting it to the mentor's site.

Use your judgment regarding where you would like to begin, as there is
plenty to do.  Do note that if we need to make disruptive changes, now
would be a better time than later.  The reason is that with stretch
having been recently released we are able to make major changes to
package structure, for example, and have time to properly deal with any
issues resulting from major changes.  As approach a release, the
opportunity for major changes is reduced because creating serious
disruptions just prior to release typically results in a package being
removed from the release.  In fact, that is why I did not act right away
on some of the requests that I received prior to the stretch release.

Let me know if you require any additional information to get started.



[0] https://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/pkg-crosswire-devel/
[2] https://mentors.debian.net/

Roberto C. Sánchez

Pkg-crosswire-devel mailing list

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