On Mon, 2009-07-20 at 21:30 +0200, Joachim Breitner wrote:
> I have a changelog that starts with these lines:
> $ head -n 18 debian/changelog 
> haskell-zlib ( UNRELEASED; urgency=low
>  -- Marco Túlio Gontijo e Silva <mar...@riseup.net>  Mon, 13 Jul 2009 
> 11:54:27 -0300
> I’m not Marco. When I run "dch" without any options (and --multimaint enabled
> by default), I get an editor which offers me:
[multi-maintainer headers]
> as expected. But running
> $ dch -m 'Provide and Replace the previous -doc package name'
> instead generates:
[changelog with no multi-maintainer headers]
> where I would expect debchange to also add a name header.

This is actually documented in debchange(1):

       --maintmaint, -m
              Do  not  modify  the  maintainer  details  previously  listed  in 
              changelog.  This is useful particularly for sponsors wanting to  
              matically  add  a  sponsorship  message  without  disrupting the 
              changelog details.  Note that there may be some  interesting  
              tions  if  multi-maintainer  mode is in use; you will probably 
wish to
              check the changelog manually before uploading it in such cases.

Patches welcome if you're brave enough to dive into the code. :-)

Alternatively, if you were expecting -m to mean "message" as in
"debcommit -m" or "svn ci -m" then you're not the only person I know of
who's made that assumption, but it's incorrect.  You don't need any
special options to add text to the changelog with debchange - any
non-option text on the command line is automatically inserted, so you
only need

$ dch 'Provide and Replace the previous -doc package name'



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