taking into account

> I have pymvpa version 0.4.3-1 and from glmnet I have r-cran-glmnet
> 1.1-5-1cran1~lenny.

I am not sure how you have managed to downgrade that far to when there
were no GNB classifier in PyMVPA yet -- was introduced in 0.4.4.

I totally understand your concerns about upgrades whenever you are in
the middle of the analysis, but 0.4.3 is quite an old version and we
tried to keep 0.4.x post 0.4.3 primarily for bugfixes, so I do not
expect much of unexpected functionality changes, besides few additional
enhancements (such as GNB).  Thus you are advised to upgrade from 0.4.3

you could try it easily by building it from GIT source and seeing what
effect it has on your analysis scripts:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git-core
git clone git://github.com/PyMVPA/PyMVPA.git
git checkout --track origin/maint/0.4

and then cd to wherever you need to run your scripts to see if they
behave the same way

On Wed, 09 Mar 2011, Nynke van der Laan wrote:

> Dear Yarovlav,
> thanks for your response. I guess the easiest is indeed upgrade to a
> newer version. However, I am always somewhat hesisant to shift to
> different versions of a program within one study (I am comparing
> different classifiers/settings so if suddenly something changes that I
> don't notice it would not be correct, and calculations take a lot of
> time so I would not prefer to repeat them with a new version).
> But I found out that more classifiers are not available with the
> version that I use now. For example also the Gaussian Naive Bayes is
> not available when importing the full mvpa.suite. I get the message
> that global name 'GNB' is not defined. Did I miss somewhere that I
> should import those classifiers by myself into the mvpa suite? (I use
> Neurodebian which I run in virtual box (inside windows))
> Please let me know, otherways I will migrate to a newer version.
> Best,
> Nynke
> BTW: when I type library(glmnet) in R I get this message:
> Loading required package: Matrix
> Loading required package: lattice

> Attaching package: 'Matrix'

>       The following object(s) are masked from package:stats :

>        xtabs

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Yaroslav Halchenko                 www.ohloh.net/accounts/yarikoptic

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