2011/6/16 Timo Juhani Lindfors <timo.lindf...@iki.fi>:
> udev 171-1 does not support linux 2.6.29 or 2.6.34 on ARM. This is due
> to use of accept4 syscall among other reasons. Afaik it was implemented
> in 2.6.32 but not wired (=enabled) for ARM until 2.6.36(?).
> As Frederic Wagner pointed on IRC it might be just enough to add
> http://uboot.jcrosoft.org/git?p=linux-2.6.git;a=patch;h=21d93e2e29722d7832f61cc56d73fb953ee6578e
> to our 2.6.34 package.

I created linux-image-2.6.34-openmoko-gta02_20101212.git049b71de-2
overnight and it seems to be now free of the udev CPU consuming
problem I saw before upgrading to it. It's also now compiled with
sid's gcc 4.6, possibly improving ARM optimizations.

It's now uploaded to pkg-fso, but is currently stuck in incoming
because alioth doesn't have the reprepro command previously used to
update the repository. Ideas?

Anyway, one can manually download and install it from

Also as a general reminder to the community at large, the 2.6.34
kernel, especially this new one, is a better choice for most Debian
users than the 2.6.37 which has "slight" booting problems at the
moment :)


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