Bruno Kleinert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (26/12/2006):
> but before having the patched package uploaded, i'd like to hear from
> you, if the binary runs fine ;)

Well, it doesn't, unfortunately. First, I've to say that I don't have
DRI, only Mesa GLX Indirect, and that could be the cause of that. But I
find the trace somehow surprizing, because the missing file... isn't
present on the other boxen where I tried nexuiz successfully. Any idea?

Here's the output:
| Console initialized.
| Nexuiz Unknown 10:50:12 Jan  8 2007
| Trying to load library... "" - loaded.
| Compressed files support enabled
| Added packfile /usr/share/games/nexuiz/data/data20061212.pk3 (2875 files)
| Trying to load library... "" - loaded.
| cURL support enabled
| Initializing client
| nexuiz.bin: /usr/share/misc/usb_hid_usages: No such file or directory


Cyril Brulebois — KiBi (:-))

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