On Thu, Jul 26, 2007 at 02:03:23PM +0200, Gerfried Fuchs wrote:
>  I guess the trying to allocate huge parts of memory might be related to
> an endianness problem within the .dat file.  Is the dat file format
> documented somehwere?  Maybe someone able to do so wants to check that
> code for endianness problems in that area?

You are right, indeed.  The offending code is in packfile.h (PackFile1::Read):

        int size;
        fseek(f, -(int)sizeof(size), SEEK_END);
        int end_offset = ftell(f); fread(&size, sizeof(size), 1, f);
        fseek(f, end_offset - size, SEEK_SET);

Obviously, size needs to be transformed to host endianness after reading
it.  Also, it seems broken because it uses sizeof(size).  This means
that on 64bit architectures, it will read the last 8 bytes of the file.
Since the file itself is in arch-all, and thus not rebuilt, this cannot
be correct.

Sorry I'm not attaching a patch, but with this info it shouldn't be too
hard for someone else to write one.

Hope that helps,

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